Wanna save time at the airport?

Check out these Trusted Traveler Programs!




Expedited security screening at airports (Keep your shoes/belt/jacket on and laptop/liquids in your bag)

Includes TSA Precheck, as well as expedited customs screening when reentering U.S.

Includes Global Entry, as well as expedited entry to Canada from U.S.

Best For

Someone who primarily travels domestically

Someone who plans to travel internationally at least once in the next 5 years

Someone who lives near the U.S./Canada border

Application Process

Apply online, then interview in person at one of the 400+ enrollment centers

Create an online profile, then interview at an enrollment center (different centers than TSA Precheck)

Create an online profile, then interview at an enrollment center (only located in border states)






5 years

5 years

5 years

More Info

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